Omniplan depency type
Omniplan depency type

omniplan depency type

The task is being done only during business days and the number of business days is an estimation of a task. There are some not so obvious properties of a task:ĭuration. The following algorithm should lead to such tasks arrangement: While drawing it I’ve probably got the most important insight: tasks can be represented as a directed graph and edges are not only the explicit dependencies but also implicit dependencies by the same assignee. So, as usual, I’ve tried to draw the problem. I thought maybe, what if I could write it from scratch with less code.


But, well, talking honestly I didn’t understand any of its code and almost complete lack of documentation didn’t help either. It seems like something I was looking for all the time. Then I looked for open-source libraries and found only one: Bryntum Chronograph. I’ve googled for solving scheduling tasks in general and found a lot of about Gantt, PERT, but haven’t found any practical algorithms. I didn’t understand why only Omniplan has such an essential feature. The most exciting part was to make a scheduling engine. So I’ve decided to try to make my own Omniplan version with blackjack and hookers that would be: Quite hard to sync it with our issue tracker Slow and unreliable project sync between team mates based on a local copy syncing Turned out that it’s the tool that solves almost all project planning problems and moreover it has an auto-planning feature so all situations when one assignee has workload over 100% are resolved automatically. That’s why from time to time we manually sync tasks with Omniplan. But it has no tools that’ll help to find the answer for an eternal question: “When?”.

omniplan depency type omniplan depency type

Currently, I’m responsible for 3 different projects with a team of 7 developers, 2 managers, 2 designers, and several departments to cooperate with.įor task tracking, we’re using our internal tool Yandex Tracker which is mostly like Jira. Weekly sprint planning meeting in essence In this article, I’ll present the algorithm which helps to answer the main question of all project planning efforts:Ī more formal representation of this problem sounds like: “Having some tasks which might depend on each other and some folks which can do those tasks when a milestone can be reached?”

Omniplan depency type